
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-18 10:42   发布人:张艳


parliament    n. 议会,国会(英国,加拿大等)
    the House of Commons and the House of Lords下议院,上议院
词义辨析:  congress n.国会(美国等)
记忆点拨:  发音:par—lia—ment

erect   v. to build a building, wall or other structure建起;to raise something to a vertical position竖起
    The erected the tent and lit the campfire.他们支起帐篷,点起篝火。
    The monument was erected after the World War I.这个纪念碑是在一战之后    建立的。
    The sailors erected the mast. 水手们竖起了桅杆。
相关表达:      rectangle 长方形
词义辨析:      correct改正
记忆点拨:  e(上)—rect(正,直)(使向上直立)

accurate    adj. 准确的
He was the only student who gave the accurate answer to the question.他是唯一一个给出准确答案的学生。
The police asked me to give an accurate description of the lost bag. 警察让我准确地描述一下我丢掉的包。
相关表达:     inaccurate adj.错误的, 不准确的
               accurately adv.准确地
               accurateness n.准确,精确
词义辨析:     correct,exact均含“正确的”意思。
accurate (correct and true in every detail)表示“准确的”,精确的”,指“通过努力, 使事情达到正确”, 如:
She gave an accurate account of the accident.
correct (having no mistakes)为一般用语, 指“正确的”, 如:
He gave correct answers to the questions.
exact (completely correct in every detail)表示“确切的”,“精确无误的”,指“与事实完全相符”, 如:
His answer is quite exact.
记忆点拨:    ac(加强)—cur(注意,小心)—ate(动词后缀)(非常小心的)

official       n. 官员,行政人员;官方的
It's necessary for high-level officials who are responsible for big accidents to resign. 对重大事故有责任的高级官员必须辞职。
The official languages of Canada are English and French.加拿大的官方语言是英语和法语。
实际应用:     公函an official letter
官衔an official title
官方消息official news
银行职员bank officials
政府官员government officials

Greenwich     n. 格林尼治

observatory     n. 天文台
An observatory is a special building from which scientists watch the moon, stars, weather etc. 天文台是一个特殊的建筑,从那科学家可以观察月亮,星星,天气等等。
记忆点拨:    observ(观察)—a—tory(表地点的名词后缀)观察的地方

check   v. to do something in order to find out whether something that you think is correct, true, or safe really is correct, true, or safe检查
I always check whether I have the keys with me before going out. 我经常在外出之前检查一下我带没带钥匙。
I double checked spellings and grammar before I gave in the test paper.交试卷之前我再次检查了拼写和语法。
The teacher will check our homework tomorrow.老师明天要检查我们的作业。
词组拓展:     check in v.登记, 报到
               check out v.付帐后离开, ,检验, 合格, 及格
词义辨析:     check,examine这两个词都可以表示“检查”,但check另含有“校对”或“找错”的意思。而examine( to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it)另含有“察看或观察以了解情况”的意思。
Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.
Check your homework before you hand it in.
He went to the Congo to examine a new volcano.
The doctor examined the patient carfully.

microphone   n. 扩音器,麦克风
The lecturer used a microphone so that everyone in the auditorium could hear her clearly. 演讲的人使用麦克风以便礼堂里的每个人都能清楚地听见他的声音。
记忆点拨:    micro(小)—phone(声音)(把小的声音放大)

tower       n. 塔;塔楼(高层建筑)
The church tower was burnt down in 1946. 1946年的时候教堂的塔被烧毁了。
The children climbed up the tower to see the big clock.孩子们爬上塔楼去看大钟。
There's a clock on the church tower.教堂的塔楼上有座钟。
The twin towers were bombed by terrorists. 双子塔被恐怖分子给炸毁了
实际应用:    象牙塔ivory tower
相关表达:     pagoda宝塔

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