
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-20 10:41   发布人:张艳


racing     n. 竞赛
实际应用: 赛车car racing
赛马horse racing
自行车比赛bicycle racing

per     prep. 每
 The car is travelling at 70 miles per hour. 这车正以每小时70英里的速度在行驶。
    The apples cost 1 yuan per kilogram.苹果每公斤1元。

Utah     n. 犹他(美国州名)   
horsepower    n. 马力    

burst   v. if something bursts or if you burst it, it breaks open or apart suddenly and violently so that its contents come out爆裂
    One more cake, I will burst. 再吃一块蛋糕,我就爆了。
    The balloon burst while I was holding it. 我拿着气球的时候气球爆了。
Everybody burst into laughter when the clown appeared in the funny hat.当小丑戴着那个可笑的帽子出现的时候大家都笑了起来。
词组拓展:      burst out迸发;突然发作
burst with anger勃然大怒
burst into tears放声大哭
burst into the room闯入房间

average    adj. the average amount is the amount you get when you add together several quantities and divide this by the total number of quantities平均的;平常的,普通的
The number of visiters varies every day, but we receive 30 people a day on average.每天来的游客数量都有变化,但是我们平均一天接待30个人。
The average annual income in Beijing is lower than that in Shanghai. 北京的平均年收入比上海要少。
The average age of the stewardesses is 21. 这些空中小姐的平均年龄是21岁。
His intelligence is just average. 他的智力只不过是中等水平。
词组拓展:  above the average在一般水平以上, 中上
    on the average平均, 按平均数计算
    be well/quite up to the average完全达到一般水平
记忆点拨:  分割:a—ver—age

footstep    n. 足迹,脚印;脚步声
The police traced the footsteps trough the forest and found the wounded criminal in cottage.警察追着脚印穿过森林,在一个小木屋里发现了受伤的 罪犯。
    Did you hear footstep behind us? 你听到身后的脚步声了吗?
词组拓展:      follow in the footsteps of效法某人
                dog sb's footsteps尾随某人, 钉梢
记忆点拨:  foot(脚)—step(步子)

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