
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-22 22:58   发布人:张艳

详细讲解新概念第二册第四单元单词。是张艳老师所写的《新概念词汇进阶》的一部分。LIST 76
fool     n. 傻瓜
Only a fool will believe he can turn paper to money. 只有傻瓜才相信他能把纸变成钱。
        April Fool’s day愚人节
       Any fool can see he is drunk. 傻瓜都看得出来他喝醉了。
make a fool of sb.[口]愚弄某人, 让某人出丑
相关表达:   foolish adj.傻的
谚语:   A fool always rushes to the fore.[谚]愚人总喜强出头。
A fool and his money are soon parted.[谚]愚人有钱留不住。
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.[谚]聪明人也会被傻瓜难倒。

bulletin    n. 新闻演示文稿
词组拓展:  bulletin board system(BBS)电子布告栏系统
记忆点拨:  bullet(子弹)—in

announcer    n.(电视、电台)播音员
The announcer said that the contestants had been chosen at random.播音员说参赛选手是随机选出来的。
相关表达:  announce v.宣布
记忆点拨:  announc—er

macaroni    n. 通心面,空心面条
leading    adj. best, most important, or most successful主要的;领先的
This company plays a leading role in the development of colortelevision industry.这个公司在彩电行业的发展方面起着主要作用。
By her early 30s, she had become a leading expert on the country's genetic engineering到她三十出头的时候她已经成这个国家最重要的基因工程学专家了。
实际应用:     世界领先的医疗器械制造商the world's leading manufacturer of meidical instruments
导航标灯leading light
记忆点拨:    lead(领导,引导)—ing (现在分词构成的形容词)

grower      n. 种植者

splendid   adj. excellent or very fine极好的beautiful and impressive壮丽的,辉煌的
The scenery of the Xihu Lake is so splendid that it attracts tourists from all part of the country. 西湖的风景很美,吸引了各地的游客。
I hope you have a splendid future. 我希望你有一个美好的前程。
I have got a splendid suggestion.我有一个很棒的建议。
相关表达:     excellent adj.极好的,卓越的
               outstanding adj.突出的, 显著的
               magnificent adj.华丽的, 高尚的, 宏伟的
 grand adj. adj.盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的
 ordinary adj.普通的,平常的可
记忆点拨:    splend(发光,照耀)—id(形容词后缀)

stalk       n. 梗 
习语:     somebody's eyes are out on stalks非常惊讶或震惊

gather       v. 收庄稼 

thresh       v. 打(庄稼)

process   v.加工to treat food or some other substance by adding substances to give it colour, keep it fresh etc
实际应用:    加工奶酪、肉、小麦process cheese/meat/wheat

Signor       n.(意大利语)先生

present   adj. 目前的
      The present situation is very dangerous.目前的状况非常危险。
      The present trend is losing weight.现在的潮流是减肥。
词组拓展:     at present现在;目前
 for the present眼前;暂时

champion   n. 冠军
实际应用:    世界拳击冠军world boxing champion
词义辨析: champagne n.香槟

studio       n. 播音室
实际应用:     电影工作室film studio
舞蹈房a dance studio
画家的工作室a painter's studio



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