
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-01 09:40   发布人:张艳

详细讲解新概念第二册第四单元单词。是张艳老师所写的《新概念词汇进阶》的一部分LIST 82
monster    n. 怪物;凶残的人
Everyone sees the ulgly warder as a monster.大家都把那个丑陋的看门人看作怪物。
The monster killed the child and cut it into pieces.那个残忍的人杀死了孩子还剁成一块一块的。
实际应用:  海怪sea monster

sight   v. to see something from a long distance away, or see something you have been looking for见到(从远距离看到,或看到一直寻找的东西);n. 视野
After many months’s drifting at sea, we sighted land.在海上漂浮好几个月以后,我们看到了陆地。
Everyone gave a shout of joy when we sighted trees and lake in the desert.当我们在沙漠里看到树木和湖水时,大家高兴的喊了起来。

creature    n. 动物,生物
    She is a timid creature.她是个胆小的人。
记忆点拨:  creat(创造)—ure(名词后缀)(上帝创造出来的东西)

peculiar       adj.奇怪的,不寻常的
 It is peculiar to drink tea mixed with milk and sugar or sometimes coffee, together with bread, for breakfast. 早饭吃面包,喝掺牛奶,糖或是咖啡的茶是很怪异的。
词义辨析:      weird (very strange, mysterious, or frightening)
It’s weird that nearly half of my 30 classmates failed a course last semester. 奇怪的是30个同学中几乎一半上个学期考试不及格。
strange (refers especially to what is unfamiliar, unknown, or inexplicable)
peculiar (strange, unfamiliar, and a little surprising, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying)尤用来描述与所有他物不同之物:
The kitchen was redolent with the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves.厨房充满了特殊的丁香气味。
odd (different from what is normal or expected)形容与普通、平常的或预料不一致的某物。
I find it odd that his name is never mentioned. 很奇怪他的名字从未被提及过。
The odd film is difficult to categorize. It is comic, dark, and surprisingly tender.
He chose an odd holiday destination—space.他选了一个奇怪的旅游目的地--太空。
 eccentric (behaving or appearing in a way that is unusual and different from most people)尤指多数人的习俗有巨大差别的事物:
Many consider Berlioz's compositions to be innovative but eccentric. 许多人认为柏辽兹的作品富有创新力,但与习俗格格不入。
记忆点拨:  发音:pe—cu—liar(谐音:皮抠里了-奇怪的)

shining      adj. 闪闪发光的;光辉的
      He left the room with his eyes shining.他两眼放光地离开了房间。
Although the sun is shining today, I still feel a little cold.虽然今天阳光明媚,我还是感觉有点冷。
His brave behaviour set a shining example for the young people.他的英勇行为给年轻人树立了光辉的榜样。
相关表达:     twinkling  adj.闪烁的, 闪亮的
sparkling  adj.闪烁的, 闪闪发光的

oarfish      n. 桨鱼


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