
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-07 13:19   发布人:木子公主

  inform v. 告诉,通知

  Have the staff been informed of the meeting? 有通知工作人员来开会吗?

  We were informed of the change of plan in advance.我们提前就被通知了计划的改变。

  相关表达: information n.信息

  词义辨析: inform,notify 都含“告知”、“通知”的意思

  Inform(to officially tell someone about something or give them information)指“以任何方式直接告知”, 如:

  He informed me of your decision.他把你的决定告诉了我。

  Notify( to formally or officially tell someone about something)指“官方正式通告”, 如:

  We've notified our loss to the police.我们已向警察局报告了损失情况。

  记忆点拨: in(里面)—form(形式)

  headmaster n. 校长

  相关表达: headmistress n.女校长

  principal n.大学或中学校长

  president n.大学校长

  contribute v. to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in捐助,援助;to help to make something happen造成

  Many villagers contributed money to the poor family.很多村民都给这个贫穷的家庭捐款。

  The engineer contributed most of his time to the design and contruction of the new city.这个工程师大部分时间都奉献给新城市的设计河建设。

  Insomnia may contribute to his nervous breakdown.


  Exercise contributes to better health.锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。

  相关表达: distribute v. 分配,分发

  attribute v. 归属于

  contribution n.贡献

  make contributions to为了……做贡献

  记忆点拨: con(全部)—tribute(给)

  gift n. 礼物,赠品;天赋

  Jane bought me a pair of earrings as my birthday gift. 简给我买了对耳环做生日礼物。

  He has a gift for singing.他有唱歌的天赋。

  相关表达: present n.礼物

  album n. 签名簿,相册

  He opened familiy albums and showed me the pictures of his daughter.他打开家庭相册,给我看他女儿的照片。

  patience n. the ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time without becoming angry or anxious耐心

  Patience is one of the attributes of being a teacher. 耐心是老师的特性之一。

  The assistant lost his patience when I asked too many questions.当我问太多问题的时候,售货员失去了耐心。

  相关表达: patient adj.耐心的,忍耐的

  impatient adj.不耐烦的, 急躁的, 不耐心的

  impatience n.急躁

  记忆点拨: pati(忍耐)—ence(名词后缀)

  encouragement n. 鼓励

  Thanks for the encouragment of my mother that helped me overcome many difficulties. 感谢妈妈给我的鼓励,帮助我克服了很多困难。

  相关表达: encourage v. 鼓励

  Tracy encouraged me to face the challenge bravely.崔西鼓励我勇敢地面对挑战。

  discourage v.使泄气

  I was totally discouraged by my son’s performance in the math test.我对我儿子在数学考试中的表现感到非常泄气。

  记忆点拨: en(使)—courage—ment(名词后缀)(courage勇气,使有勇气—鼓励)

  farewell n. 告别(旧)

  实际应用: 告别晚会farewell party

  告别晚宴farewell dinner

  记忆点拨: fare(走,告别)--well(好)

  honour n.荣誉the respect that you, your family, your country etc receive from other people, which makes you feel proud

  It is my honor to be invited to make a speech here. 应邀在此讲话是我的荣幸。

  Winning tomorrow's game is a matter of national honor to them. 赢得明天的比赛对他们来说是国家荣誉的问题。

  词组拓展: in honour of (in order to show how much you admire and respect someone)像……表示敬意;纪念

  a monument in honour of those who died for their country 一座为纪念为国牺牲的人们的纪念碑

  相关表达: honorable adj.可敬的

  honorary adj.名誉的,荣誉的

  coincidence n. when two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual巧合

  What a coincidence that my wife’s sister was your colleague! 多巧啊,我妻子的妹妹竟然是你的同事。

  It can not be a coincidence that four men were murdered on the same night.四个男子在同一晚被杀不可能是巧合。

  相关表达: coincide vi.一致, 符合


  incident 事件

  记忆点拨: co(共同)—incidence(发生)(cid表示“落下”)

  total n. 总数;adj. 总的;完全的,彻底的

  The number of female students account for 70% of the total.女学生的数量占总数的百分之七十。

  The total output of wheat is growing. 小麦的总产量在增长。

  He is a total idiot. 他是一个十足的白痴。

  相关表达: whole

  devote v. to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone致力于;to use a particular area, period of time, or amount of space for a specific purpose献给

  I'll devote all my time to caring for my baby.我将把所有的时间都花在照顾我的孩子上面。

  I must devote most of my time to preparing for the test.我必须把大部分时间都花在准备考试上面。

  She has devoted all her life time to benefiting the poor.她毕生的精力都奉献给了为穷人谋利益。

  词组拓展: devote to把...献给; 把...专用于

  devote oneself to致力于, 献身于; 专心于

  相关表达: devotion n.热爱,投入

  记忆点拨: de(朝向)—vote(投票)

  gardening n. 园艺

  Marry took interest in gardening recently and grew various kinds of flowers in her garden. Marry最近开始喜欢园艺,在她的花园里种了各种各样的花。

  The technology may be very useful in gardening. 科技可能会对园艺很有用。

  相关表达: gardener n.园艺家

  记忆点拨: garden(花园)—ing(名词后缀表示行业)

  hobby n. an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time爱好,嗜好

  One of her hobbies is playing golf.打高尔夫是她的爱好之一。

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