
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-19 15:39   发布人:张艳



chip                    n. 油煎土豆片;碎片

The boy hid the chips of the broken vase. 男孩把打破的花瓶的碎片藏了起来。

实际应用:           土豆片potato chips

习语:                  chip off the old block酷似父亲的儿子


overfish              v. 过度捕捞

To avoid overfish, fishermen in this area stop fishing for one month every year.为了避免过度捕捞,这个地区的渔民每年休渔一个月。

相关表达:        overwork 过度工作


记忆点拨:           over(超过)fish(打鱼)


giant                   adj. extremely big, and much bigger than other things of the same type巨大的;n. 巨人,巨头

A giant sized hamburger was erected in font of Macdonald. 麦当劳前面竖起了一个巨型的汉堡。

实际应用:     软件巨头——微软公司software giant─Microsoft

                           大熊猫a giant panda


terrify                 v. to make someone extremely afraid吓,使恐怖

The children were terrified by the scream coming from the basement. 孩子们被从地下室传来的尖叫声给吓坏了。

相关表达:           terrible adj.糟糕的,可怕的terror n.恐惧


frighten scare terrify horrify都有吓坏的意思


I was scared by the terrible sight of the accident.我被事故的可怕景象给吓坏了。

Terrify(to make someone extremely afraid)暗示了无法抵抗的、令人瘫痪的恐惧

The children were terrified by the kidnapper’s violence. 孩子们被劫匪的暴力行为吓坏了。

Horrify(to make someone feel very shocked and upset or afraid)强调使人非常震惊,失望或害怕。

She was horrified to discover that he loved Rose. 她发现他爱着罗丝,这让她很惊讶。

记忆点拨:           terr(惊吓)—ify(动词后缀)


horrify                 v. to make someone feel very shocked and upset or afraid使恐惧

I was horrified to see a figure in my house.看到我的房间里有个人影,我给吓坏了。

相关表达:           terrible adj.糟糕的,可怕的

terror n.恐惧

词义辨析:      程度由浅至深:scareterrifyhorrify


diver                   n. 潜水员

相关表达:           dive v.潜水

scuba diving配戴水肺的潜水


oil rig                  石油钻塔


wit                      n.(复数)理智,头脑your ability to think quickly and make the right decisions

                            I have to use all my wits to find a proper solution.我不得不绞尽脑汁想出一个合适的方案。

词组拓展:           frighten/scare sb out of their wits (informal to frighten someone very much)


                            at one’s wits’ end智穷计尽


cage                    n.

                            Wild animals are confined to cages. 野生动物被关在笼子里。


shark                  n. 鲨鱼


whale                  n.


variety                n. 品种often humorous a particular type of person or thing

词组拓展:          a variety of a lot of a particular type of things that are different from each other)各种,多种

The girls come from a variety of different countries. 这些女孩来自不同的国家。

We are running into a variety of challenges. 我们遇到了各种各样的挑战。

相关表达:      various adj.不同的,各种各样的

记忆点拨:        var(变化)iety(名词)


cod                      n.


skate                  n.


factor                  n. 因素one of several things that influence or cause a situation

The rise in price is mainly due to economic factors. 价格的增长是经济因素造成的。

A healthy diet is an important factor in the improvement of health standards. 健康的饮食结构是改善健康状况的重要因素。

相关表达:           element n.要素,元素,成分

记忆点拨:           fact(事实)—or(名词后缀)


crew                    n. 全体工作人员all the people working on a ship, plane etc

Most of the crew in this ship are from India.这艘船上的大部分工作人员来自印度。

Over 300 passengers and crew on the plane were killed in the air crash.300多名乘客和机组成员在空难中死亡。

词义辨析:      staff n.全体员工the people who work for an organization, especially a school or business

                   We now employ a staff of 25.我们现在雇了25个员工。


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