
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-19 15:42   发布人:张艳





instruct               v. to teach someone something, or show them how to do something指导,传授;指示to officially tell someone what to do

                            The professor was instructing the class in literature.教授正在教授学生文学。

                            The coach instructed the players in passing the ball.教练教球员们传球。

相关表达:           instruction n.指导,说明

                            instructive adj.有益的, 教育性的

记忆点拨:           in(里面)—struct(构建)


Los Angeles      洛杉矶


reluctant          adj. slow and unwilling勉强的,不愿意的

He is an aggressive young man who is reluctant to follow convention.他是一个有进取心的年轻人,不愿意按习俗做事。

From their looking you can see how reluctant they are to leave here.从他们的表情你可以看出他们离开这里是多么不情愿。

相关表达:       unwilling adj.不情愿的,不愿意的

He was unwilling to return the money.他很不情愿还钱。

The children were unwilling to turn off the TV and go to bed.孩子们很不情愿关上电视上床睡觉。

willing adj.乐意的, 自愿的

记忆点拨:     re(向后)—luct(挣扎)—ant(形容词后缀)


weight             n. 重物;重量

The weight of the boots makes the boy hard to walk.靴子的重量使得孩子走路很困难。

Jimmy can lift heavy weights with only one hand. Jimmy用一只手就能举重物。

The star felt good when her weight went from 38kg to 35kg. 当这个明星的体重从38公斤降到35公斤时她感觉很好。

相关表达:     weigh vt....重量,

习语:              carry great weight极重要; 极受重视


underwater            adj. 水下的;adv. 在水下

How long a person can hold his or her breath underwater depends a lot on how healthy they are?  一个人在水下能憋多长时间的气取决于他的健康状况。

实际应用:     水下运动underwater activity

记忆点拨:       under(下面)—water(水)


tricycle           n. 三轮车                           

记忆点拨:     tri(三个)—cycle (轮子)


compete          v. 比赛,对抗

How many runners will be competing in the marathon? 有多少人会参加马拉松比赛?

Noodle shops are a major way to compete with Western fast-food places like KFC and McDonald's. 面馆是与西方一些像肯德基,麦当劳这样的快餐店竞争的主要方式。

词义辨析:     compete, rival, contest 都有比赛的意思

compete to take part in a competition or sports event (名词为 competition)的含义仅仅是参与比赛。

The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.


rival to be as good or important as someone or something else(名词亦为rival)在作名词时指情敌对手,在用作动词时常常表示匹敌

The two men are business rivals


contest to compete for something or to try to win it所表示的竞赛是为了竞争某物

The two armies are contesting every inch of ground.



yard                n. 码;院子

                        Could you show me a pair of 42-yard shoe? 您能给我拿一个42的鞋吗?

                        Children are playing basketball in the backyard. 孩子们在后院打篮球。

谚语:              Give him an inch and he'll take a yard [mile].得寸进尺。


gasp                  v. to breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are surprised or in pain喘气

                        Jane was gasping with pain. 珍妮因疼痛而大口喘气。

Olympic athletes and divers can hold their breath for minutes at a time while heavy smokers gasp for air after just a few seconds.奥运会运动员和潜水员一个可以憋气几分钟,而吸烟很多的人只能憋几分钟就得去喘气。


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