
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-21 10:40   发布人:张艳


limelight    n. 舞台灯光;引人注目的中心public attention and interest
He has long held the limelight in the entertainment circle.他在娱乐圈一直都很受关注。
My sister enjoys being in the limelight.我姐姐就喜欢受人关注。
实际应用:     夺走注意力steal the limelight
She's afraid this new actor will steal the limelight from her.她害怕新的演员会抢走她的光彩。
词组拓展:     fond of the limelight喜欢引人注目, 爱出风头
in the limelight成为引人注目的中心; 处于显要地位

precaution   n. an action which is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening预防措施
They have taken necessary precautions to avoid the spread of the disease.他们已经采取必要的预防措施防止疾病的传播。
The government has set up an emergency shelter as a precaution against possible natural disasters such as earthquakes.
实际应用:     谨防火灾!Take precautions against fire!
词组拓展:     safety precaution安全预防措施
fire precaution防火办法
相关表达:     cautious adj. 小心的
记忆点拨: pre(之前)—caution(小心)(之前就小心-预防)

fan       n. 狂热者,迷
      He's a big fan of basketball.他是个狂热的球迷。
Hunderds of fans crowed at the entrance to see the famous singer.成百上千的歌迷挤在入口处想要见到那个著名的歌星。

shady       adj. sheltered from direct light from the sun遮荫的;阴凉的
实际应用:    阴凉的草地shady grass
The beggar was lying the shady side of the street. 那个乞丐躺在大街的阴面。
词组拓展:     keep shady[美]避开人眼, 藏匿
相关表达:     sunny adj.阳光充足的;快乐的
 shadiness n.阴凉
               shadily adv.阴凉地
词义辨析:    shadowy adj. dark and full of shadows 阴暗的,黑暗的
She sat down, and then looked up to see the shadowy figure of the woman at the bar. 她坐下来,然后抬头看见酒吧里的女人的阴暗的身影。
记忆点拨:    shad(阴凉)—y(形容词后缀)

sheriff       n. 司法长官    
 It was the sheriff who forced them off the grass.是司法长官强迫他们离    开草地的。

notice       n. 告示,通知
There is a notice on the wall saying the gas company will come and read the gas meter on Friday evening. 墙上有个通知,上面写着煤气公司将在周五晚上来查煤气表。
记忆点拨:    not(知道)—ice(名词后缀)(让人知道的东西)

sneer   n. to smile or speak in a very unkind way that shows you have no respect for someone or something冷笑,嘲笑
      My husband always sneers at the dishes I made.我丈夫总是嘲笑我做的菜。
      My friends sneered at my taste in clothes.我的朋友嘲笑我对衣服的品味。

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