
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-21 10:39   发布人:张艳


thick       adj. 厚的
It was very cold outside, so she went out in a thick down jacket.外面非常冷,所以她穿了一件厚厚的羽绒服出去了。
The house hasn’t been cleaned for monthes. The dust on the furniture is very thick.房子几个月没打扫过了,家具上的尘土很厚。
词组拓展:     through thick and thin同甘共苦
相关表达:    thin adj.薄的

signal       n. 信号;发信号
The traffic policeman signalled to me to stop by the road.交警打手势让我停在路边。
      The director gave me a signal to start.导演给了我一个信号让我开始。
实际应用:    烽火signal fire
信号旗signal flag
信号枪signal gun
记忆点拨:    sign(标志)—al(名词后缀)

stamp       v. to put your foot down onto the ground loudly and with a lot of force跺,踩;n. 邮票
While waiting for the bus, she kept stamping her feet to stay warm.在等公车的时候,她一直跺着脚好让脚暖和。
      Be careful. Don’t stamp on my contact lens. 小心,别踩在我的隐形眼镜上。
We stamped out the fire and crept into our tents. 我们踩灭火,爬进了帐篷。

helicopter    n. 直升飞机    
Helicopers are used in the search of survivors. 在搜寻幸存者的过程中使用了直升飞机。

scene     n. 现场;(剧的)幕,场景
The reporter was interviewing wittnesses at the scene of the crime.记者正在犯罪现场采访目击证人。
A large crowd of people gathered at the scene of the traffic accident一大群人聚在车祸发生的地点。
实际应用:     葬礼场景、婚礼场景the funeral/wedding scene
词组拓展:    behind the scenes在后台;[喻]在幕后

survivor    n. 幸存者
       He was the sole survivor of the ship wreck.他是海难的唯一幸存者。
The police are trying to rescue the survivors by a helicopter.警察正设法用直升飞机救援幸存者。
相关表达:     survive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还
记忆点拨:    sur(超过,在上面)—viv(活,生命)—or(名词后缀)

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