
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-30 22:44   发布人:张艳

详细讲解新概念第二册第四单元单词。是张艳老师所写的《新概念词汇进阶》的一部分LIST 79
parent     n. 父(母)亲
My boyfriend's parents are visiting us next week. 我男友的父母下周要来看我们。
Most of the parents expect much of their children.大多数父母都对自己的子女寄予很大希望。

flight attendant   空中乘务员
    The flight attendant fetched me a glass of water. 空乘给我拿来一杯水。
相关表达:  stewardess n.空中小姐

frightened    adj. feeling afraid [= scared]害怕,担惊
实际应用:      吓坏了的动物frightened animal
乘客f righted passenger
词组拓展:      be frightened of害怕, 对...感到恐惧
相关表达:  fright n.害怕
frightening adj.可怕的
          frighten v.吓
The woman frightened off the attacker by calling out to the policeman. 那个女人大声朝警察喊,,把袭击者给吓跑了。
I was frightened of hearing barks of the fierce dog.听到那只凶猛的狗的叫声我吓坏了。
词义辨析: afraid adj.害怕的

curious    adj. wanting to know about something急于了解,好奇的
The children were curious to know what was hidden in the box.孩子们好奇地想知道盒子里藏了什么。
I was curious about everything I saw in the museum.我对在博物馆里看到的每件东西都好奇。
词组拓展:      be curious about对(某事物)感到好奇
be curious to (do)很想(做); 渴望(做)
相关表达:  curiosity n. 好奇心
记忆点拨:  cur(注意,留心)—ious(形容词后缀)

bomb     n. 炸弹;轰炸
实际应用:  原子弹atom bomb
定时炸弹time bomb
The policeman was checking the car when a bomb exploded. 警察正在检查汽车,这时炸弹爆炸了。
A plane flew over and dropped a bomb on a nearby building.一架飞机飞过,在附近的楼上丢了一颗炸弹。
The airforce bombed twocities.空军轰炸了两个城市。
词组拓展:  spend a bomb花了许多钱 (= cost a bomb)

plant     v. informal to put something firmly in or on something else安放(牢固的)
    He planted his luggage on top on his car. 他把行礼放在汽车的上面。
She planted her feet firmly on the groud and was reluctant to go any further.她两脚往地上一站,不愿意再往前走了。


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