
查看:1   发布日期:2009-06-30 22:46   发布人:张艳


palace      n. 宫殿
实际应用:   总统官邸presidential palace 
     颐和园Summer Palace
     白金汉宫Buckingham Palace

extraordinary   adj. very much better, more beautiful, or more impressive than usual不平常的,非凡的
I am very happy to win such an extraordinary prize. 我很高兴能赢得这么大一笔奖金。
The performance was so extraordinary that I went twice.表演很精彩,以至于我去了两次。
Economic development has brought extraordinary changes to everyday life. 经济的发展已经给人们的日常生活带来了非凡的变化。
相关表达:      remarkable adj.非凡的
记忆点拨:  extra(超出)—ordinary(普通的)(超乎寻常)

exhibition    n. a public show where you put things so that people can go to see them展览
实际应用:  书展an exhibition of books     
相关表达:  exhibit v.展示
display n. 展示
show n.展示
记忆点拨:  ex(向外)—hibit(拿)—ion(名词后缀)

iron     n. 铁;熨烫
    The door is made of iron.这扇门是铁做的。
    He asked the maid servant to iron the shirt for him.他叫女佣给他熨衬衫。
谚语:          Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

various    adj. if there are various things, there are several different types of that thing各种各样的
We should know that reading various kinds of books is essential to broadening our horizons.我们应该知道阅读各种图书对开阔我们的视野很重要。
Young men and women come from all over the world to compete in various sports.年轻的男女从全世界各地来到这里参与各种体育项目的竞争。
相关表达:      variety n.变化,多样性
      different adj.不同的
diverse adj.不同的, 变化多的
记忆点拨:  var(不同)—ious(形容词后缀)

machinery       n. machines, especially large ones机器(大型的)
实际应用:      农业机器agricultural machinery
相关表达:      machine n.机器

display   n. 展览;v. to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily展示
Producers from across the country will take part in the exhibition and have products on display.来自全国各地的制造商将会参加展览会,并且将会展示他们的产品。
Participants were able to display their exquisite salad making.参与者能够展示他们精美的沙拉作品。

steam     n. 蒸汽;v. 蒸
    He was scalded by the steam from the kettle. 他被水壶里的蒸汽烫伤了。
    The hot water is steaming. 热水正冒着蒸汽。

profit   n. money that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs have been paid利润;v.使获利
The shop can make handsome profit on each piece of clothes every day.商店每天从每件衣服上可以获得很高的利润。
They sold jade at a huge profit. 他们卖了那块玉,获利很高。
It will profit you nothing to carry out his plan. 执行他的计划对你一点好处也没有。
实际应用:      非营利机构non-profit organization
相关表达:  profitable adj.有利润的,获利的
earning n.收入,所赚的钱
net profit 纯利润gross profit 毛利润
make/earn/turn a profit获取利润
big/huge/healthy/substantial/handsome/hefty profit巨额利润记忆点拨:  pro(前)—fit(做)

college           n. 学院,专科学院,大学;大学里的(学院)one of the groups of teachers and students that form a separate part of some universities, especially in    Britain
实际应用:     大学生collegue student
Do you know which college has the major of education administration? 你知道哪所大学有教育学管理专业吗?
    I suggest you apply for the medical faculty of our college.
    He started college two years ago.他两年前开始上大学的。
词义辨析:     colleague n.同事

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