
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-03 11:26   发布人:李慧敏

  election n. 选举

  The Democratic Party won the election by a huge majority. 民主党以大多数的优势赢得了选举。

  实际应用: 国家大选national election

  区域选举regional election

  相关表达: elect v.选举

  select v. 挑选

  collect v. 收集

  记忆点拨: e(外,出来)—lect(选)—ion(名词后缀)(选出来)

  former adj. 从前的

  I met my former boss in the street.我在街上遇到了我以前的老板。

  The former president of America, Regan died on 5th, June 2004.美国前总统里根在2004年6月5日去世。

  相关表达: previous adj.以前的,前面的

  defeat v. to win a victory over someone in a war, competition, game etc 打败n.败

  Napoleon’s army was defeated by Soviet Union’s in the World War II.在二战中拿破仑的军队被苏联的军队击败了。

  Chinese football team defeated American team by two goals to one. 中国足球队以2比1击败美国队。

  相关表达: beat v. 打败

  记忆点拨: de(向下)—feat(做)(做坏了)

  fanatical adj. 狂热的

  He was fanatical about tidiness. 他非常注意整洁。

  Their support for European soccer is fanatical.他们对欧洲足球队的支持是狂热的。

  相关表达: crazy adj.疯狂的, 狂热的

  The crowd at the game went crazy.看比赛的人群变得狂热起来。

  记忆点拨: fan(扇子)—atical

  opponent n. 反对者,对手

  The lawyer is debating violently with his opponent in court.律师正在法庭上激烈地与对手辩论。

  词义辨析: adversary n.反对者rival n. 对手




  记忆点拨: op(反)—pon(放)—ent(名词后缀)

  radical adj. 激进的;根本的,根本的

  实际应用: 党派右翼的激进观点the radical views of the left wing of the party

  激进的政党、观点、政客radical party/opinion/politician

  After a radical reform, the social welfare system is functioning smoothly.在一次彻底的改革之后,社会保障系统正在平稳运转。

  记忆点拨: radi(根)—cal(形容词后缀)

  progressive adj. supporting new or modern ideas and methods, especially in politics and education进步的

  实际应用: 进步的政策progressive policies

  进步的思想、态度progressive ideas/attitudes

  相关表达: progress n.进步

  记忆点拨: pro(向前)—gress(走)—ive(形容词后缀)

  ex- prefix (前缀,用于名词前)前……

  suspicious adj. 怀疑的thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, without being sure;可疑的making you think that something bad or illegal is happening

  I am suspicious of his motives of inviting me to dinner.我怀疑他请我吃晚饭的动机。

  The policeman is suspicious of this parcel-he think it might contain a time bomb.警察 怀疑这个包裹,他觉得里面可能有定时炸弹。

  I saw a suspicious package at the door.我在门口看到一个可疑的包裹。

  词义辨析: suspicious可以表示某事可疑的,也可表示“对……感到怀疑的“

  doubtful (probably not true or not likely to happen)表示很明显的,很强烈的不肯定。

  It is doubtful whether she will be admitted to graduate school. 她能否考上研究生还不一定。

  Questionable(not likely to be true or correct)意思是“值得疑问的”questionable dealings不正派的行为

  记忆点拨: su(下)—spic(看)—ious (形容词后缀)

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