
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-04 07:49   发布人:木子公主

  strike n. 罢工;v. 罢工

  The teachers went on strike last week and all the schools were closed. 上个星期老师罢工,所有的学校都关闭了。

  The workers are striking for more holidays. 工人们正在罢工要求有更多的假期。

  词组拓展: be on strike举行罢工

  go on strike实行罢工

  busman n. 公共汽车司机

  state v. to say or write something, especially clearly and carefully陈述;国家

  All the terms related to payment are clearly stated in the contract.所有关于付款的条目在合同里有清楚的表述。

  The doctor stated the possible result of the operation.医生给我们讲了手术的可能的结果。

  相关表达: statement n.陈述,声明,明细单

  agreement n. 协议

  They have been discussing the problem for an hour and have not reached any agreement yet.他们一直在讨论这个问题1个小时了,还没有达成任何协议。

  We had an agreement that I will pay him 20% of the profit as commission.我们有个协议,我会付把利润的20%付给他作为佣金。

  相关表达: agree v.同意

  记忆点拨: agree(同意)—ment(名词后缀)

  relieve v. to make a pain, problem, unpleasant feeling less severe减轻

  He took some anodyne to relieve the pain.他吃了些止痛药来缓解疼痛。

  Food has been sent to the flooded area to relieve the famine.食物被送到受水灾影响的地区以缓解饥荒。

  He was relieved of his wallet on the bus.他在公车上被偷了。

  词组拓展: relieve oneself小便

  relieve sb of sth 帮某人拿东西

  relieve sb of their post/duties撤职

  relieve sb of sth 偷某人东西(幽默)

  相关表达: relieved adj.放心的

  relief n.缓解,释放

  ease v.减轻

  记忆点拨: re(又)—lieve(轻)(使变轻)

  pressure n. 压力,麻烦

  The government has decided to build more roads and flyovers to relieve the pressure on traffic.政府已经决定要建更多的铁路和高架桥来缓解交通的压力。

  They are facing great pressure from their parents.他们正面临父母给的压力。

  You have to learn to relax yourself when working under great pressure.压力下工作,你要学会如何放松自己。

  The officials are putting pressure on them to sign the agreement.那些政府官员正在给他们施加压力要让他们在协议上签字。

  词组拓展: exert/put pressure on sb.给某人施加压力

  be/come under pressure to do something 迫于压力做某事

  相关表达: press n.压, 按vt.压, 压榨

  stress n.重压, 逼迫, 压力

  记忆点拨: press(压)—ure(名词后缀)

  extent n. used to say how true something is or how great an effect or change is程度

  To some extent it is my fault that we lost the battle. 在某种程度上,我们打败仗是我的过错。

  To what extent do you trust me? 你信任我到什么程度?

  The success of your career depends on the extent to which you make effort for it.你事业的成功取决于你在多大程度上为之付出努力。

  词组拓展: to some extent在某种程度上

  相关表达: degree n.程度

  The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiments.


  volunteer v. to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often something that other people do not want to do自动提出,自愿;v. 自愿者;志愿的

  Many nurses volunteered to take care of the infectant patient.很多护士主动提出要照顾受感染的病人。

  Many college students volunteer to donate blood.很多大学生自愿鲜血。

  实际应用: 志愿导游volunteer tutoring

  医院志愿人员hospital volunteers

  记忆点拨: 分割:vol(意志)—un—teer

  gratitude n. the feeling of being grateful感激

  I sent the nurses a large parcel of candies to express my gratitude to them. 我给护士们寄去一大包糖果以表达我对她们的感激之情。

  Tears of gratitude filled her eyes. 她的眼里充满了感激的泪水。

  相关表达: grateful adj.感激的

  appreciation n.感激

  记忆点拨: grat(感激)—itude(名词后缀)

  press n. 新闻界;出版社

  实际应用: 新闻发布会press conference

  新闻自由freedom of the press

  北京出版社Beijing Press

  object v. to feel or say that you oppose or disapprove of something不赞成,反对

  Mum objects I dye my hair yellow.妈妈反对我把头发染成黄色。

  The manager objected to every suggestion I gave him.经理不赞成我给他的任何一个建议。

  Some people strongly object to building a hotel in this area.很多人强烈反对在这个地区建个酒店。

  相关表达: objection n.反对

  oppose v.反对

  记忆点拨: ob(反)—ject(投,抛)(反着投)

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