
查看:1   发布日期:2009-07-14 15:40   发布人:木子公主

  trap v. 陷入;使陷于困境;n. 陷阱

  Twenty people were trapped in the burning house.二十个人被困在着火的房子里。

  Misleading text messages directed Iraqi troops to a trap.误导的消息把伊拉克军队引入了陷阱。

  词义辨析: trap,pitfall,snare都含“圈套”、“陷阱”的意思。

  trap原指“捕兽器”, 现指“经周密安排, 出其不意地使某人中计”, 如:

  The employer set a trap for the man by putting marked money in the till.


  pitfall原指“坑害动物的陷阱”, 现指“暗藏的危险或易犯的错误”, 如:

  There're many pitfalls in English spelling for foreign students.


  snare原指“缚住动物颈或足的圈套”, 用于比喻指“感情上陷于困境或感情上的纠缠”, 如:

  the snare of love

  爱情上 陷于困境。

  surface n. 地面,表面

  We saw foam on the surface of the water. 我们在水面上看到泡沫。

  The stone has a smooth surface.这块石头表面光滑。

  词组拓展: on the surface表面上, 外表上

  记忆点拨: sur(上面)—face(表面)

  explosive n. 炸药;可爆炸的

  The carriage of explosive is strictly prohibited.严格禁止携带炸药。

  They used explosives to open the safe. 他们用炸药打开保险箱。

  实际应用: 可爆炸的化学物品explosive chemicals

  相关表达: explode v.爆炸

  explosion n.爆炸声,爆炸

  记忆点拨: ex(外)—plos(打,击)—ive(名词后缀)

  vibration n. 震动

  The vibration of this machine can help you burn the fat. 这种机器的震动可以帮助你燃烧脂肪。

  The innovated trains create little noise or vibration.改良过的火车产生很小的噪音和摩擦。

  相关表达: vibrate v. 震动

  记忆点拨: vibr(震动)—ation(名词)

  collapse v. 坍塌;病倒;破裂,崩溃(of people and business) to suffer the sudden inability to continue or work correctly n. 倒塌

  The overnight rainfall caused banks to collapse. 一夜大雨使河岸都坍塌了。

  Many houses collapsed in the storm.很多房子在暴风雨中倒塌了。

  He collapsed in the street and was sent to hospital. 他在大街上晕倒了,被送进了医院。

  The talks between the two parties collapsed.两党会谈破裂了。

  实际应用: 萨达姆政权的倒塌the collapse of Saddam's regime

  计划失败the collapse of plans

  记忆点拨: col(共同)-lapse(溜,滑)(滑下去,倒塌)

  drill v. 钻孔;训练;n. 钻

  They drilled a hole on the wall to hang the painting. 他们在墙上钻了个洞好把画挂上。

  The teacher was drilling the class in clauses. 老师正在让学生做从句练习。

  capsule n. 容器;胶囊(指容器用法比较旧)

  记忆点拨: 分割:cap—sule

  layer n. 层

  He put a thick layer of cream on the cake.他往蛋糕上涂了厚厚的一层奶油。

  After pulling off layer upon layer of clothing, he showed us his wound.在脱去层层的衣服之后,他给我们看了他的伤口。

  实际应用: 臭氧层ozone layer

  一层泥土a layer of clay

  夹心蛋糕a layer cake

  记忆点拨: lay(放)-er(名词后缀)

  beneath prep./adv. in or to a lower position than, under 在......之下Beneath can also be used in all these ways, but is a little old-fashioned or literary.(可以表示任何的在下面,但是用法比较旧或者是文学上常用)

  They strolled hand in hand beneath the summer moon.他们手拉手在夏日的月光下散步。

  词义辨析: under prep. in or to a position below or lower than something else, often so that one thing covers the other在……之下Under is the most common word used to talk about one thing being placed or moving directly under another, or being covered by it(最常用,表示一件东西垂直放在另外一件东西下面或者被覆盖)

  The railway runs directly under the main street.地铁正好从主路下面通过。

  The police all wear bullet-proof vests under their shirts.警察全都在衬衫里面穿了防弹马甲。

  below adv./prep in a lower position (than), under在……之下below suggests that one thing is in a lower position than another, perhaps a little to one side or in front(指一个物品比另外一件东西位置低,在旁边或在前面)

  He has a scar below his right eye. 他右眼下面有个疤。

  lower v. 放下;降低

  I put some ice on her forehead to lower her temperature.我把冰放在她额头上来降低她的体温。

  The doctor gave him some medicine to lower his blood pressure.医生给了他一些药来降低血压。

  The girl lowered the jar into the well and got some water. 那女孩把罐子放到井下打了些水。

  词组拓展: lower one's voice放低声音

  lower the sails降下帆

  progress v. 进展,进行;n. 进步

  It is very difficult for foreigner to make substantial progress in Chinese writing in a short time. 对外国人来说在短期之内在中文写作上取得巨大进步是很困难的。

  Work on new stadium progressed quickly. 新体育馆的建设进展很快。

  As the meeting progressed, Tina grew more and more impatient. 随着会议的进行,TINA变得越来越不耐烦了。

  词组拓展: in progress正在进展中

  make progress取得进展, 进步

  smoothly adv. in a steady way, without stopping and starting again顺利地;平稳地

  He keeps the office running smoothly. 他让办公室运转顺利。

  Horse-drawn carriages roll smoothly along the stone paths.马车沿着石头路平稳地走着。

  Necessary measures have been taken ensure that the exam goes ahead smoothly.已经采取了必要措施以确保考试顺利进行。

  相关表达: smooth adj. 平滑的,光滑的

  smooth surface of the stone光滑的石头表面

  smooth silk光滑的丝绸

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